Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014


Wanna Make Your VEVO Views Count?

Up for the #StealMyGirlVEVORecord?
Then, you might be interested in these handy tips that can help make sure your views count:
  1. Make sure you're watching the official video right here:[CLICK TO WATCH]
  2. Make sure each and everyone you know is watching the video so tell everyone about it and share the video link (constantly)
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  3. Watch the video for at least 30 seconds (it's epic so this part should be easy)
  4. Refresh the page before you view again (Ctrl + R will do this)
We're ready – are you?
Steal My Girl is out now and available to buy here.


Ich kann leider grade nicht übersetzten, bin zu sehr mit SMG gucken beschäftigt ;D

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